30 M2 (.30-06): 125,072 produced for Belgium, Belgian Congo, Luxembourg, Indonesia, Colombia, and Brazil. 7mm Mauser: 8,003 produced for Venezuela

The production and distribution were as follows: 30-06, and the rifle was built in seven other different calibres, for a total of 11 different nations. The Belgian military adopted the FN-49 in. Saive returned home to Belgium to continue his work there for Fabrique Nationale. Working at the Royal Arsenal at Enfield, he continued his design work throughout the war, but the British military showed little interest in changing from their proven Lee-Enfield rifles to a new, unproven semi-automatic rifle. Saive fled Belgium prior to its occupation by Germany with his new design. Saive in the dark days before the Second World War.

The FN-49 rifle is a classic battle rifle.