What is a sai? In the second line you would say, “G … ive them to me”. How do you say sorry for being emotional in Telugu? October 9, at 5: Email required Address never made public. Please resubmit your question as it is unclear to whom your referring to and about what. March 26, at 6: How do you get in it if it says you can not? I pray Baba to bless me read it every day for the rest of my life without fail. How do you say ‘How was your day’ in Telugu? Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You can also say “is had” When we party a vasq time is had by all. By continuing to use this website, you agree to their use. Ne-koo oh-ka moo-doo iv-an-dee Give me a kiss.

It has ahandle that is about six inches, and splits into three parts. Shirdi sai baba chalisa in Telugu (shirdi vasa sai prabho) – Video Dailymotion There is no Good evening or good afternoon or Good Morning in the Telugu language. I think it’s just a posher way of saying ‘if I was’. A sai is a metal parbho weapon used in martial arts. Who are you to say ‘no’? That is the rule.
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